New BUWOG websites with focus on UX-oriented real estate search and SEO

As a stock market-oriented property developer with a portfolio of 51,000 apartments in Austria and Germany, the BUWOG Group is a major full-service provider on the residential real estate market.


Websites in Germany and Austria
Real estate objects for rent or purchase
On-site and remote workshops
ca. 40
Projec team members

One UX/UI kit, four websites

The Group’s main websites,, und reflect the various business areas of the real estate group. All four were relaunched as part of the project, with us responsible for strategic concept, UX design, UI design, SEO concept and front-end development.

The focus of the project was a user:inside oriented conception of the real estate search for purchase and rental properties as well as an SEO concept adapted to Germany and Austria respectively. In addition, a modular design system was developed from which all four existing websites and future ones can draw. The following are some of the key success factors of the project:

  • Thorough user researchDetailed analysis of the database from several internal real estate databases
  • UX design of property search/filtering and interactive map for all device classes
  • Modular building block UI system
  • Thorough conversion optimization – the path to the real estate inquiry
  • Comprehensive testing
Laptop-Mockup des Webseiten-Viewports
Mobile-Mockup des Webseiten-Viewports
Tablet-Mockup des Webseiten-Viewports
Laptop-Mockup des Webseiten-Viewports
Mobile-Mockup des Webseiten-Viewports
Tablet-Mockup des Webseiten-Viewports
Laptop-Mockup des Webseiten-Viewports
Mobile-Mockup des Webseiten-Viewports
Mobile-Mockup des Webseiten-Viewports
Laptop-Mockup des Webseiten-Viewports
Mobile-Mockup des Webseiten-Viewports
Tablet-Mockup des Webseiten-Viewports

Stay in the Game.

All projects
Zwei Studentinnen schauen von der WU Wien
People and Architecture
Vienna University of Economics and Business
Zwei Studentinnen schauen von der WU Wien
People and Architecture
Vienna University of Economics and Business
Extensive photoshoot for print and digital
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Logo der Stadt Leoben mit der Stadt Leoben und Bergen im Hintergrund
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