Two people shake hands.
Allfred makes everyday life easier
Diakoniewerk Allfred

A service platform for everyday life

Allfred stands for everyday life, leisure and service and is a service platform provided by Diakoniewerk. Allfred helps older people in particular to make everyday life a little easier and more enjoyable by bringing together people who are looking for support in everyday life with suitable assistants. It is often the everyday tasks such as shopping, cooking or gardening that are no longer so easy to do and where support is needed.

Together with the Diakoniewerk team, Fonda designed the service platform consisting of a container app, web app and website and is also responsible for the UX and UI design as well as the technical implementation.

mobile mockup of the helpers overview in the Allfred app
mobile mockup of the customer overview in the Allfred a
mobile mockup of a chat in the Allfred app
mobile mockup of the registration in the Allfred app

Stay in the Game.

All projects
Ein Mann mit Clownsnase und ein Kind stehen sich Nase-an-Nase gegenüber und lachen
A Website for More Laughter and Joy in Life
Red Noses
Ein Mann mit Clownsnase und ein Kind stehen sich Nase-an-Nase gegenüber und lachen
A Website for More Laughter and Joy in Life
Red Noses
Conception, design, and technical implementation of the international NGO website family with a focus on fundraising.
Red Noses
Eine Illustration von drei Zahnrädern.
Strong Brand Presence
Eine Illustration von drei Zahnrädern.
Strong Brand Presence
Further development of brand presence, claim, website and campaigns for a Viennese law firm.
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