Logo der Unicredit Bank Austria

Landing page with conversion focus and display campaign

Implementation of a new digital campaign on SmartBanking for Bank Austria. The core of the campaign is a website with video support where users can open an account and register for SmartBanking. A video advisor supports the user step by step in registering for SmartBanking or opening an account, and at the same time explains the features of SmartBanking. Of course, the user can also fill out the form without video support. Soccer star David Alaba is featured as a testimonial for the campaign. Fonda is responsible for the conception and implementation of the website and all online advertising material for the campaign, such as site branding on orf.at, derstandard.at, krone.at, heute.at, oe24.at, msn.at, gmx.at. The basic creation and classic campaign were done by Jung von Matt.

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