Logo der BKS Bank

Complete service-oriented relaunch with 100% user focus

The website family of the BKS Banking Group (www.bks.at) is user and service-oriented and is intended to complement – not replace – the traditional branch.

FONDA is responsible for the complete relaunch. Technical basis: Liferay

Viewport der BKS Bank Laptop
Viewport der BKS Bank Tablet
Viewport der BKS Bank Mobile
Filialfinder der BKS Bank Tablet
Filialfinder der BKS Bank Mobile

Stay in the Game.

All projects
Logo der Unicredit Bank Austria
Smart Banking
Unicredit Bank Austria
Logo der Unicredit Bank Austria
Smart Banking
Unicredit Bank Austria
Landing page with conversion focus and display campaign
Unicredit Bank Austria
Eine lächelnde Frau mit Illustrationen als Zierelement
Online store for education and training
BFI Wien
Eine lächelnde Frau mit Illustrationen als Zierelement
Online store for education and training
BFI Wien
Full implementation of the online portal
BFI Wien
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