Logo von LinkedIn

Social media support for the largest independent rail operator in Austria

Strategic conception, positioning, setup, and ongoing support of the company’s LinkedIn accounts. A special focus on internationalisation and employer branding.

Linkedin Unternehmensaccount der Roland Spedition auf Mobile
Linkedin Unternehmensaccount der Roland Spedition auf Tablet
LinkedIn Profil von Nikolaus Hirnschall auf Laptop
LinkedIn Profil von Nikolaus Hirnschall auf Tablet
LinkedIn Profil von Nikolaus Hirnschall auf Mobile

Stay in the Game.

All projects
Technology that takes you further
FH Campus Wien
Technology that takes you further
FH Campus Wien
Advertising campaign for Austria's largest university of applied sciences
FH Campus Wien
Processing orders via app
Collini App
Processing orders via app
Collini App
Implementation of app backend and app middleware / API
Collini App
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